Welcome to Cooking Club where we strongly believe YES WE CAN! In an atmosphere of love and care, our little chefs learn many life skills through hands-on classes (literacy by reading recipes, numeracy by measuring and countinging ingredients, history through cooking recipes and celebrations from around the world, and development of fine motor skills through kneading, mixing and using cooking material). We pride ourselves in enabling children to develop team building skills and adhere to the concepts of sharing and giving. Communication is an important aspect and daily newsletters are sent out after every session with a full detail of what went on during the class. The children proudly bring home their creations after every session.
Cooking Club creates a safe environment where children can experiment and try new things at their own pace. This is particularly helpful for children who have various food related issues and has become a tool in helping children with food phobia. This club is run by Alexia Backhouse, a bilingual (French/English) chef who runs cooking club workshops all over Paris and its suburbs. Feel free to check out more information by visiting her website : www.by-backhouse.com.