My Magical Rainbow Journey
I first entered the grounds of Rainbow School at the age of three. I started my learning
journey in Froggies. It was scary for me to stay away from my mum for so long.
I wanted my mum to stay with me. I started crying for my mum to come back.
To make me feel better about this big change, Miss Bénédicte let me stay with her
in her office and let me walk around with her until I was ready to go back to class.
When I had finally overcome the fear of being away from my mum, I came back to class.
Everyone was very motivating and supported me through the exciting road of learning.
All the teachers were very caring and they were always there to help. There was always
a teacher at the gate to welcome the students and give them a sense of belonging.
During the course of my learning at Rainbow, I got to make special friendships with the
teachers and students from around the world.
I took part in many events such as sports days, field trips, international picnics and
Christmas plays. Out of the many major events that I took part in, I loved the field trips
and sports days the most. I enjoyed having show and tell and circle time. As I continued
my learning at Rainbow, it was starting to feel more like home. I knew the whole school
like the palm of my hand. I spent eight years studying at Rainbow.
I got to understand the diverse cultures of different places around the world through the
many cultural events that we had at Rainbow. I also learnt many important values like
being responsible, kind and caring. I learnt English and French and also got introduced
to Greek and Spanish.
I miss receiving good morning and warm welcome hugs from Miss Bénédicte at the
gate. I also miss show and tells on different topics according to the theme of that term.
I hope Rainbow gives all it’s students the same homely feeling and magical learning
experience that I felt.
Joshua, 14 years old (India)
Abbiamo messo Maxence in questa scuola per i due primi anni di asilo prima di andare via da Parigi. Siamo una famiglia italo francese e Maxence ha dovuto adattarsi ad una terza lingua.
La sua esperienza alla Rainbow é stata molto benefica, e magica. I due anni hanno permesso al bimbo di capire e parlare inglese con molta facilità. Le classi hanno pochissimi alunni ; il che permette ad ogni bimbo di essere seguito in modo privilegiato. I risultati in francese , inglese e matematica sono stati infatti ottimi . Ma sopratutto la cosa più importante alla quale le maestre sono molto attente: é il benessere dei bimbi.
E infatti i bimbi sono molto allegri e gioiosi, in un ambito multiculturale.
Ringrazio ancora con molto affetto la direttrice Bénédicte, che svolge un lavoro eccezionale
Maxence's parents (Italy/France)
Their experience in Rainbow School really prepared them for the challenge ahead. Annam got very personal attention as she was a big panda. She was given a curriculum that suited her perfectly and aligned with our educational objective. Suffice it to say that Annam went from Rainbow to EAB Grade 2. Initially it was tough but she caught up and she was able to do well. Her arithmetic skills have really been outstanding. To this day she continues to be ahead of her class in algebra and arithmetic. This was complemented by getting her involved in an after school math program. What we really enjoyed about rainbow School was the personal attention to details, the community inclusiveness and the international diversity. Suffice it to say that rainbow Pre School could be likened to a "Junior Harvard". Thanks.
Abita (Nigeria)
Alyssa berumur 4.5 tahun kami ketika tiba dari Indonesia dan dia mulai bersekolah di Rainbow. Dia dapat beradaptasi di sekolah yang baru dengan mudah atas bantuan gurunya. Pergi ke sekolah, belajar dan bermain bersama teman-teman dengan bimbingan guru-guru yang baik dan berdedikasi adalah aktivitas yang disukainya. Saat ini Alyssa sudah bersekolah di Sekolah Dasar dan selalu mengingat sekolahnya dahulu di Rainbow...
Alyssa was 4.5 years when we came from Indonesia and she started her school in Rainbow. She can easily adapt in her new school with her teacher’s help. Went to school, play and learn with her friends under guidance of dedicated and good teacher are nice activities that she loved. Now Alyssa is in elementary school and always remembers her Rainbow school.
Alyssa's parent (Indonesia)
Our son Ayaan studied in Rainbow Preschool, Courbevoie from Dec 2011 till Jun 2013, when we moved back to India. He was 3 yrs old when he joined Rainbow pre-school, and was speaking just few words in Hindi. And in 1.5 years the change in him was like a transformation. He turned to be the most talkative, friendly and a happy kid. And a lot of credit goes to the environment, love, care and personalized attention he got in Rainbow Pre-school. Ayaan’s English developed a lot and he got a lot independent in just few months. He always wanted to go to school. Back in India in-spite of getting Ayaan admitted to one of the best schools in Bangalore he still misses Rainbow. :-)
I highly recommend Rainbow Pre-school to young kids of expats as well as locals, as the initial few years are the crucial foundation years.
Thanks to Bénédicte Vaissade, the team of teachers, and parents of other kids with whom we formed a happy community.
Ayan's parents (India)
Nous avons trouvé « Rainbow school » un peu par hasard... dès notre première visite nous avons adoré cette école. L'ambiance à la fois familiale et chaleureuse, la Directrice Bénédicte et les enseignantes tellement impliquées et adorables, les outils pédagogiques ludiques et éducatifs, les effectifs réduits des classes... c'était « l'école » rêvée de notre enfance ! Notre fille Charlotte avait à peine 2ans et demi à l'époque,et elle a tellement pleuré parce qu'elle ne voulait plus quitter l'école. Charlotte a donc démarré en petite section (Froggies) en septembre 2010, et elle s'est éclatée à l'école. Son papa est anglais, elle avait déjà de bonnes bases, mais grâce à Rainbow, elle est devenue parfaitement bilingue. Elle a toujours eu des relations très privilégiées avec ses différentes enseignantes (Talia, Jessica et Isabelle), c'était comme des « 2èmes mamans » à l'école. En tant que parent, c'est tellement rassurant de voir son enfant créer des liens aussi forts avec d'autres adultes que je ne remercierai jamais assez Talia, Jessica et Isabelle pour leur investissement. Grâce au travail des enseignantes et aux méthodes pédagogiques de l'école, Charlotte a commencé à lire à 5 ans à peine de façon tellement naturelle, c'était presque magique. En 3 années de scolarité, notre fille a acquis de très bonnes bases, elle a beaucoup d'assurance et de confiance, elle a une grande curiosité et une soif d'apprendre, qui la suivront tout le long de sa scolarité. C'est tout naturellement que notre petit garçon Eliott a aussi intégré Rainbow. Il avait 2 ans et demi en septembre 2012, lorsqu'il a démarré chez les Froggies. Pour être franche, Eliott était beaucoup moins enthousiaste à l'idée d'aller à l'école que sa sœur à l'époque. Lui, il était très bien à la maison avec sa maman. Son adaptation s'est donc faite très progressivement. Bénédicte, Sarah puis Michelle ont très bien respecté son rythme afin de lui faire aimer l'école. En tant que parent, c'est très appréciable de trouver une école qui s'adapte à notre enfant. En une année, notre « bébé » est devenu un vrai petit garçon. Nous avons malheureusement dû déménager, et c'est avec beaucoup de peine que nous avons quitté l'école. Grâce à leur passage à Rainbow, nos enfants se sont parfaitement adaptés à leur nouvelle école. J'en profite pour remercier Bénédicte, Talia, Jessica, Isabelle, Sarah, Michelle et Dana pour tout ce qu'elles ont donné à Charlotte et Eliott. « Rainbow school », sa directrice Bénédicte et ses enseignantes auront toujours une place d'honneur dans notre cœur.
Charlotte and Eliot's parents (France)
Our daughter Kate attended Rainbow School during 2008 / 2009 and thoroughly enjoyed the learning environment. We were very happy with the teaching methods, the involvement of parents in multi-cultural events and most importantly the quality of the staff at Rainbow school. Given that Kate arrived in Paris as a French speaking child and after her time at Rainbow was competent in English speaks volumes for the teaching style and materials used. The overall atmosphere at Rainbow makes it easy for children to interact and to learn from their time there.
Kate's parents (Scotland)
We came to Paris for a 2 years mission, and we knew about Rainbow from our colleague who arrived earlier in Paris. Our first son Gerard joined Penguin class, carrying with him some light 'difficulty to talk'.. Initially he didn't speak english at all, so we were a little bit worried, but Benedicte told us not to worry too much. The integration was a little bit difficult, he cried for around 2 weeks, but then after 2 weeks it was amazing.. Gerard enjoy a lot his school, he started to speak english immediately, and making friends. I notice his ability to socialise and to gather his friends around him. It was amazing. Then he continued to Panda class. He has lots of idea, can create toys from any kind of things around him.. Even when we travel and forget to bring the toys, he simply took the magazine or papers, started to draw, or making airplane, and make them his toys, which I think is a form of his independency and creativity. I felt he had a strong relationship with his teachers, as he always mentioned his teachers at home, how he loved them.. Big thanks to Thalia, Jessica and Isabelle. Marcell, Gerard's little brother joined Froggies class a couple of month later. Opposite to his brother, he was really a calm kid, he rarely say a word, even the 'good morning' greeting to Benedicte or front door teacher... He was very shy... But Gerard being in the same school helps Marcel a lot to integrate, and together they continued develop their english at home, while still keeping their mother language.. I love the english accent they got in the school. It is a mix accent of everything.... Even Gerard and Marcel's uncle and aunties love their accent.. After 2 years, we must leave Paris and heading to Luanda, Angola.
I just hope that they had a longer time in Paris, so that they can also get a good basic of French..
I still speak French sometime with Gerard, trying to maintain what he has already. Now the boys are in the English School in Luanda.. I believe their experience in Rainbow help them a lot. The integration was just easy (Marcell cried the first day in the school, but only a couple of minutes)... It is just like they knew this school since long time, like it is another Rainbow school for them.. Marcell now shows some independency, very good in following the rule (he got many stars for 'good job in the line', and 'good behaviour during snack/break'.. lol), and a very good skill in handcrafting.. Big thanks to Benedicte and all the Rainbow teachers and staffs, for casting a good foundation on the kids, an indispensable asset for them.. Big hug and love from Gerard and Marcell. Best success and luck for Rainbow school.
Gerard and Marcel's parents (Indonesia)